/ Parents / Parent Resources / Reopening Plan - September 2020 / ÃÛèÖÊÓƵ Reopening Plan / Health & Safety / Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfection After Notification of a Confirmed Case of COVID-19
Enhanced Cleaning and Disinfection After Notification of a Confirmed Case of COVID-19

This protocol is for cleaning and disinfection of areas where a person with COVID-19 spent time in school spaces. After notification of a person with confirmed COVID-19 on school property, the following cleaning and disinfecting protocol will be followed:

  1. Buildings and/or specific rooms and areas where a COVID-19 positive person spent     time will be closed off.

  2. Staff will do the following (as applicable):

  3. Communicate the case to the Facilities Dept.

  4. Identify areas that require restricted access during and immediately following  enhanced cleaning.

  5. Communicate with impacted department(s).

  6. Coordinate with building Administration. 

  7. When cleaning and disinfecting rooms with increased surface area due to a large number of desks, tables, and other furniture, and where a spray application of disinfectant is needed; Custodial staff will notify the building administration in advance if the spraying will occur during normal work hours. Advance notice allows the building occupants to be apprised of the schedule for disinfection of the space and any areas that may require restricted access during cleaning.

  8. The cleaning crew will:

  9. Open windows to the outside to increase air circulation, if possible.

  10. If possible, wait 24 hours after a person with COVID-19 was present in a space prior to beginning cleaning and disinfection.  If it is not possible to wait 24 hours, wait as long as possible before you clean and disinfect. Clean and disinfect all areas used by the person who is sick such as offices, bathrooms, common areas, shared electronic equipment like tablets, touch screens, keyboards, remote controls.

  11. If an outside contractor is used for cleaning and disinfection, the proposed scope of work, including the products and their respective safety data sheets (SDS’s), and application methods must be reviewed by the Facilities Director prior to work commencing.

  12. Wear the required personal protective equipment (PPE) during cleaning and disinfecting:         

  13. Disposable gloves, gowns or a lab coat to protect cross contamination

  14. Safety glasses/goggles when there is a potential for splashing/spraying the                               disinfectant

  15. If entering the space less than 24 hours after the ill person was present, the cleaning crew should wear the following: N95 filtering facepiece respirator.

  16. All staff must be fully trained on donning and doffing required PPE to prevent cross  contamination.