/ Parents / Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal / Infinite Campus Parent Portal General Navigation Instructions
Infinite Campus Parent Portal General Navigation Instructions

When you first log into the parent portal, the Messages screen is displayed.


Infinite Campus - Campus Parent Message Center Pic 


If you have more than one student in the district, you will need to click on the Student Name at the top right of the screen and select the student you wish to view. When a student is selected, the Student Menu displayed on the left hand side of the screen will show information about that student when selected.

IMPORTANT: Please note that periodically, some of the menu options listed below may be unavailable for a period of time while information is being entered in the system.


Menu Options:

Today - The Today view shows the student's schedule for the current day and lists any assignments due today or tomorrow. The schedule shows the times of the periods during the day and the student's courses, with the teacher's name and room assigned. The assignments list covers all of the student's courses, including those that may not meet on the current day. 

Calendar – This menu option under the student will show all calendar events for the specific student you are viewing.

Clicking on an Attendance Event Icon will bring you to the student’s selected attendance event. The Calendar displays data in three different modes, Assignments, Schedule, and Attendance. For Assignments and Attendance, dots display below dates that have data. Select a mode and date to view data for that day. In Assignments mode, a button displays to show the Weekly Overview, which shows all assignments for the selected week.

Assignments - This menu option will show you a running list of assignments by class and by date. Click on an assignment title to see the assignment details. 

The Assignments tool collects all of a student's assignments with the focus on today. Click assignments to view details and scroll to see previous and future assignments. Use the Missing and Current Term buttons at the top to filter assignments.

Grades – This menu option will allow you to view your student’s grades for the current year.

Attendance – This menu option will show you information on your student’s attendance for the current year. 

The Attendance tool lists the absences and tardies for attendance taking periods in the selected term. Navigate between terms using the options at the top. Click on a period to view details. On the detail view, absences and tardies are divided by type (excused, unexcused, exempt, or unknown), with all absences and tardies listed below.

Schedule – This menu option will display your student’s schedule for the current year.

The Schedule tool shows the student's schedule for each term, including any day rotations. Schedules are shown for all the whole year, all terms, and all of the student's enrollments. Each schedule includes the times of the periods during the day and the student's courses, with the teacher's name and room assigned. If a day rotation is in place, the day is indicated in the top right corner of the schedule. Click on the course name to view details.

Under More:

Assessments – This menu option will show grades for your student’s New York State grade 3-8 tests, along with grades for any regents they have taken.

Health – This menu option will show you information about your student’s health immunizations.

Important Dates - This menu option lists the holidays for when school in not in session.

Campus Backpack - This menu option shows a list of all of your child(ren)’s academic history including interim reports and report cards.