
News from 蜜柚视频

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Image Unavailable Practicing Together
蜜柚视频 Middle School
The 蜜柚视频 Girls Middle School soccer team participated in a joint clinic with the Varsity team to practice their skills together.

The Girls Soccer program held a joint clinic. Middle School Hosts Open House
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Families of students attending 蜜柚视频 Middle School received important information during the building's annual open house night. Teachers shared what students will be learning throughout the year, and parents and guardians had the opportunity to connect with their children's teachers.

蜜柚视频 Middle School hosted an open house for families. Middle School Students Reflect on 9/11
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students in Mr. McDuffie's class at 蜜柚视频 Middle School visited the building's 9/11 Reflection Garden to learn about and reflect on the tragedy.

First Day of School 2024
News of 蜜柚视频wide Interest
蜜柚视频 Union Free School 蜜柚视频 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 75 WEST PERKAL STREET, BAY SHORE, NEW YORK, 11706 PHONE (631) 968-1115 FAX (631) 968-4131     Board of Education Steven J. Maloney, Ed.D. Jennifer Brownyard, President Superintendent of Schools Louis R. Bettinelli, Vice President   Andrew A.... more info

Image Unavailable Middle School Celebrates Moving Up Ceremony
蜜柚视频 Middle School
On June 24, 2024, 蜜柚视频 Middle School celebrated its Class of 2028 Moving-Up Ceremony. The evening featured remarks from Middle School Principal Dr. Lisette, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Steven J. Maloney, Board of Education President Jennifer Brownyard and High School Assistant Principal Peter Raio.

The Middle School held a Moving Up ceremony for 8th grade students. Middle School Writing Recognized
蜜柚视频 Middle School
蜜柚视频 Middle School students Brayden Dunn (Honorable Mention) and Amelia Sullivan (3rd place) have been recognized for their submissions to the Sea Glass Fiction Contest sponsored by the Whaling Museum of Cold Spring Harbor, in the grades 6-8 category.

Two Middle School students received writing awards. Middle School Hosts County Spelling Bee
蜜柚视频 Middle School
蜜柚视频 Middle School hosted the 蜜柚视频 Buzz Countywide Middle School Spelling Bee. 蜜柚视频 student Isabella Luque placed 4th in the County and Dayron Butler placed 10th.

The Middle School hosted the Countywide spelling bee. Student Poetry Recognized
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Two students from 蜜柚视频 Middle School, Stephanie Green and Noora Ahmed, were recognized in the 38th Annual Walt Whitman Birthplace Student Poetry Contest.

Student poetry was recognized. Students Celebrate Poetry Month
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School celebrated Poetry Month with a limerick contest.

Students celebrated Poetry Month. Student Writing Recognized
蜜柚视频 Middle School
A member of the 蜜柚视频 Middle School "The Write Way" Creative Writing Club, Journey Gayle, received an Honorable Mention in the Arizona Mystery Writers Contest.

A Middle School student's writing was recognized. Planting Learning
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students and staff who participate in the 蜜柚视频 Middle School M&M club planted flowers at the school to help it look beautiful for Spring.

Students and staff planted flowers at the Middle School. The Great Mail Race
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School were invited to participate in "The Great Mail Race" by a school in New Jersey. They completed a survey about their class and mailed it to a middle school in every state hoping to receive responses.

Middle School students sent mail to a middle school in every state. Volleyball Challenge
蜜柚视频 Middle School
蜜柚视频 Middle School students and staff participated in the Volleyball Challenge hosted by the Student Council. Fun was had by all, as ten teams rotated on three courts, playing each other. Officer Allison and Officer Levy from the Suffolk County Police Department joined in on the fun.

Middle School students and staff participated in a Volleyball Challenge. Bird Art
News of 蜜柚视频wide Interest
Students at Brook Avenue School created bird-inspired art to celebrate Spring.

Brook Avenue students created bird art. Circuit Learning
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Sixth grade students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School completed an experiment to learn about open and closed circuits.

Middle School students learned about circuits. Spelling Bee Champs
News of 蜜柚视频wide Interest
蜜柚视频 Middle School hosted a school-wide spelling bee that resulted in students being named grade-level or building champions. The building champions will compete in the Suffolk County spelling bee being held at the Middle School later this spring.

Middle School students competed in a spelling bee. Ice Cream for Learning
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students in Mr. Tomforde & Ms. Nardone's class at 蜜柚视频 Middle School learned the science of ice cream. After studying the states of matter and phase changes, students worked together to decrease the thermal (heat) energy of their milky mixtures.

Middle School students created their own ice cream. Social Studies Fashion Show
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School learned about their rights during social studies classes and held a fashion show with shirts they designed to display their knowledge.

Middle School students created shirts about what they learned in social studies. Science Olympiad Participates in Competition
蜜柚视频 Middle School
The 蜜柚视频 Middle School Science Olympiad team showcased their dedication and talent at the regional competition 15 students participated in a total of 18 events, emerging triumphant with medals in three competitions. Roller Coaster: Joe Farrell and Jackson Farrell Forensics: Yunus Hossain and Bao Tran Codebusters: Bao Tran and Catherine Wu

Middle School students competed at a Science Olympiad event. Middle School Celebrates Black History
蜜柚视频 Middle School
The 蜜柚视频 Middle School Black History Month celebration "edutained" audiences with a remix that included a live graffiti artist at work, professional dancer, two DJs scratching, the 蜜柚视频 High School Dance Team, the historical and cultural impact of Hip Hop, and a bit of theater in a production titled "The Verdict- A Tribute to Hip Hop." During a fictionalized court... more info

蜜柚视频 Middle School celebrated Black History Month. Surprise Author Visit
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School received a surprise visit from one of their favorite authors. Kwame Alexander stopped by the school to speak to students who had read his books. The students were excited to hear him speak and ask questions about his life, career, and writing.

The Middle School received a surprise visit from Kwame Alexander. Learning About Middle School
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Families of future 蜜柚视频 Middle School students attended the annual Transition Night to learn more about the school and programs.    

Families learned about 蜜柚视频 Middle School. PS I Love You
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students and staff at 蜜柚视频 Middle School celebrated P.S. I Love You Day.

The Middle School celebrated P.S. I Love You Day. Build a Buddy
News of 蜜柚视频wide Interest
Brook Avenue School's Parent Faculty Association (PFA) and staff volunteers facilitated a Valentine's Day "Build A Buddy" event for students.

Brook Avenue hosted a Build a Buddy event. Middle School Performs Matilda
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School put on a performance of Matilda. The audience was wowed by the talent of the student performers.

Middle School students performed Matilda. Community Art Wall
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School have been working collaboratively on decorating a Community Art Wall that is housed in the school's library.

Middle School students collaborated on an art wall. Breakfast for Champions
News of 蜜柚视频wide Interest
蜜柚视频 High School held a Breakfast for Champions event last month. Four times a year, students are recognized for outstanding performance and leadership. Thank you to speaker Alexandra Russo (BSHS '16) for sharing her story and advice with the students. Congratulations to all of the honorees! Student / Area / Nominating Teacher Hunter Joel / English / Mrs. D'Antoni Jacob... more info

The High School celebrated Breakfast for Champions. Geography Islands
News of 蜜柚视频wide Interest
Students in Ms. Rampersaud’s class at Gardiner Manor School designed islands with various themes to explain their understanding about geography with their classmates. Students also created poems to capture the essence of their island design.

Gardiner Manor students created islands. Rocket Balloons
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students on Team 63 at 蜜柚视频 Middle School enjoyed investigating Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion by collecting data on Balloon Rocket launches.

Middle School students learned about the laws of motion. Inspired Art
News of 蜜柚视频wide Interest
Students at Brook Avenue School worked with art teacher Mrs. Pigate to create artwork inspired by Van Gogh.

Brook Avenue students created artwork. Magnetic Learning
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students in Mr. Mollica's technology classes at 蜜柚视频 Middle School are learning about Magnetic Levitation vehicles. They designed and built Maglev cars that they will then race to determine the fastest car.

Students built Maglev cars. Learning the Guitar
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students in Mr. Narvaez’s music class at 蜜柚视频 Middle School had the opportunity to practice improving their skills on the guitar as they learned and played “Smoke on the Water."

Middle School students worked on their guitar skills. MS to Perform Matilda
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School will put on a performance of Matilda.

MS to Perform Matilda Middle School Students Perform Concert
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Sixth grade musicians at 蜜柚视频 Middle School performed a Winter Concert for family and friends.

Middle School students performed a concert. Read Along
News of 蜜柚视频wide Interest
Teachers at Fifth Avenue School learned about Google for Education's Read Along. Christina Picardi, a member of the 蜜柚视频's Technology Department, spoke at a faculty meeting to share how the program can enhance literacy skills.

Fifth Avenue teachers learned about a new software program. Turkey Bowl
蜜柚视频 Middle School
The 6th grade students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School took part in a Turkey Bowl coordinated by physical education teachers, Mr. Lynch, Mrs. Dobbs, and Mr. Giusto. The students participated in football games that helped them work on sportsmanship, teamwork, and skills review.

Middle School students participated in a Turkey Bowl. Paying It Forward
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 High School, Athletics, Physical Education & Health
Members of the 蜜柚视频 High School Athletes Helping Athletes program spent 2 days at 蜜柚视频 Middle School. They shared a message about getting involved and answered questions from the younger students.

Athletes Helping Athletes visited Middle School students. Learning About the Revolution
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students in Mrs. Russello and Mrs. Dale's social studies class at 蜜柚视频 Middle School acted out vocabulary words from the American Revolution as classmates tried to guess the word.

Middle School students learned about the American Revolution. Latin Students Attend Classics Day
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students from 蜜柚视频 Middle School and 蜜柚视频 High School visited Stony Brook University for "Classics Day." They attended lectures about linguistics, ancient medicine, and etymology, participated in the creation of mosaics and paper togas, and taught board games to other students. Some students participated in three levels of a "Certamen" academic contest on Latin... more info

Middle School and High School students participated in Engineering Bridges
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School completed a culminating activity for their Engineering unit. The students used the engineering design process to build bridges.

Middle School students built bridges. Going for a Hike
蜜柚视频 Middle School
On October 23, 2023 63 students from 蜜柚视频 Middle School went on a 5 miles hike in Sunken Meadow State Park. The hike was a culminating activity for the Outdoor Education unit for Ms. Pickus's 8th grade physical education classes. Throughout the unit students learned map reading skills, hiking etiquette, and hiking essentials with regards to safety, which includes what equipment to bring... more info

Middle School students went on a hike. Sharing Book Reviews
News of 蜜柚视频wide Interest
Students in Mrs. Cristando's class at South Country School wrote book reviews for the school library to help readers find their next book adventure.

South Country students wrote book reviews. Mathematician of the Month
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students in Mr. Flick's math classes at 蜜柚视频 Middle School were recognized as being "Mathematicians of the Month" for September and October. This distinction is earned by students who demonstrate hard work while learning math skills and leadership within the classroom.

Middle School students were recognized for their math skills. Middle School Holds Student Conference Day
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School recently took part in the annual Middle School Student Conference Day. During this event, grade-level assemblies were held on topics like overcoming obstacles. Students also attended workshops run by 蜜柚视频 staff and students, as well as outside speakers, including guests from Northwell Health.

Middle School students took part in Middle School Student Conference Day. Pumpkin Systems
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School read the book Pumpkin Jack and then used pumpkin carving to learn about open and closed systems.

Middle School students used pumpkins to learn about systems. Middle School Students Practice Math Skills
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students in Ms. Canales' class at 蜜柚视频 Middle School have been hard at work this year working on expanding their math skills.

Middle School students are working on expanding math skills. SMART Training
蜜柚视频 Middle School
蜜柚视频 technology staff members Mark Lane and Christina Picardi held SMARTBoard trainings for teachers at 蜜柚视频 Middle School. The devices allow teachers to expand their innovation and collaboration as they educate students.

Teachers received training on SMARTBoard devices. 蜜柚视频 Board Trustee Guy Leggio Honored by State School Boards
Brook Avenue Elementary, Fifth Avenue Elementary, Mary G. Clarkson Elementary, Gardiner Manor Elementary, South Country Elementary, 蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 High School, Universal Pre-Kindergarten
蜜柚视频 Board of Education Trustee Guy Leggio ('81) has been announced as the joint recipient of the New York State School Boards Association Everett R. Dyer Award for Distinguished School Board Service. This award is the highest award that is given by the New York State School Boards Association; it recognizes outstanding contributions to public education and children. Mr. Leggio has served... more info

Board Trustee Guy Leggio is being recognized by the New York State School Boards Association. Library Orientation
蜜柚视频 Middle School
蜜柚视频 Middle School students attended orientation sessions in the school's library. Mrs. Miller, the librarian, spoke about exploring genres, showcased procedures, and shared information about a reading app available to students.

Middle School students learned about the library. 蜜柚视频 Middle School Hosts Suffolk County Principals
蜜柚视频 Middle School
蜜柚视频 Middle School and Principal Dr. Lors hosted the first meeting of the school year for the Suffolk County Middle School Principals Association. Suffolk County Police Officer Fernandez provided information about the mission and objectives of the SCPD's COPE Unit.

蜜柚视频 Middle School hosted a meeting of principals. Respecting Our School
蜜柚视频 Middle School
The 蜜柚视频 Middle School Advisory Ambassadors facilitated a "Respect Our School" poster project among advisory classes.

Middle School students facilitated a poster project. Square Moon
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students on Team 65 at 蜜柚视频 Middle School used the moon to learn about math. They learned about squares, square roots and perfect squares by mixing math and English Language Arts.

Middle School students mixed math and English Language Arts. Scientific Discovery
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students from 蜜柚视频 Middle School partnered with students from Fire Island's Woodhull Elementary School to participate in a BOCES-led study. The students created examples of atoms, molecules, and compounds, and used scientific equipment to dissect pickles.

Middle School students partnered with students from another school on a science activity. Real World Math Problems
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students on Team 65 at 蜜柚视频 Middle School learned that math can generate rich discussions. While solving multi-step real world problems, students used discourse cards to help generate discussions.

Middle School students worked on real world math problems. Middle School Students Create Solar Ovens
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Sixth grade students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School learned about the benefits of renewable energy during a solar oven engineering project. The students planned and built the solar ovens, and will soon test them.

Middle School students learned about renewable energy and built solar ovens. 蜜柚视频 Middle Schools Hosts Open House
蜜柚视频 Middle School
蜜柚视频 Middle School families received important information during the building's annual open house night. Teachers shared what students will be learning throughout the year, and parents and guardians had the opportunity to connect with their children's teachers.

蜜柚视频 Middle School families attended the annual open house night. Middle School Students Practice Teamwork and Number Skills
蜜柚视频 Middle School
蜜柚视频 Middle School students on Team 65 completed a math lesson that helped them learn about good group work. They used the "100 Numbers Activity" to practice what good collaboration looks and sounds like.

Middle School students practiced collaboration skills during a math lesson. Board of Education Recognizes Employee
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
The 蜜柚视频 Board of Education recognized and honored 蜜柚视频 Middle School teacher Gerilyn Lessing. Ms. Lessing did not hesitate to step in and save a student's life during an emergency.

The Board of Education recognized a Middle School teacher. Middle School Celebrates Moving Up Ceremony
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
On June 21, 2023, 蜜柚视频 Middle School celebrated its Class of 2027 Moving-Up Ceremony. The evening featured remarks from Middle School Principal Dr. Lisette Lors, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Steven J. Maloney, Board of Education President Guy Leggio and High School Principal Steve Gordon.

The Middle School held a Moving Up ceremony for 8th grade students. Ultimate Competition
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School had the opportunity to compete for the title of "Ultimate Champs" in an ultimate frisbee competition organized by the physical education teachers.

Middle School students competed in ultimate frisbee. Middle School Students Help Beautify Campus
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School planted flowers to help beautify the campus.

Middle School students planted flowers at the school. Department Holds Meeting at Historical Society
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 High School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
The 蜜柚视频 Social Studies Department strengthened their community connection by holding recent department meetings at the 蜜柚视频 Historical Society.

The Social Studies Department held meetings at the Historical Society. Learning Outdoors
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Students from 蜜柚视频 Middle School had a chance to explore the outdoors during a trip to Sweet Briar Farms.

Middle School students explored the outdoors. Middle School Students Learn Orienteering
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Orienteering is a team navigation sport that utilizes a map and sometimes a compass. Students in Ms. Pickus' physical education classes at 蜜柚视频 Middle School learned about orienteering through "The Amazing Race." Students worked in teams to navigate their way through a course with 7 checkpoints ("control points") that they had to visit in order. They used a map and... more info

Middle School students learned about orienteering. Expert Spellers
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
蜜柚视频 Middle School students Ford Duchatelier Beaubrun and Samia Ahmed represented the school in the First Annual Suffolk County Middle School Spelling Bee. Ford placed second and Samia placed fourth. ...more info

Middle School students competed in a Countywide spelling bee. Tasting a New Adventure
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School had the opportunity to sample different titles and find their next book to read during a "book tasting."

Middle School students had the opportunity to find new books. Student Places in Poster Contest
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
蜜柚视频 Middle School student Juliana Trotta placed 2nd in the Town of Islip's Earth Day Poster Contest.

A Middle School student placed 2nd in a poster contest. Middle School Students Practice Debate Skills
蜜柚视频 Middle School
The 蜜柚视频 Middle School Debate Club has been working hard on their debate skills. Under the advisement of their coaches, Mrs. Ford-Hurt and Mrs. Yarborough, the debate team won a recent meet against Garden City Middle School.

Middle School students are learning debate skills. Maglev Champions
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Students from 蜜柚视频 Middle School participated in the 2023 Maglev Competition hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory. Eight students medaled in different categories of maglev vehicles. Self-propelled 1st place: Ruth Palencia 2nd place: Dylan Raghuber 3rd place: Josue Padilla Electrified Track 1st place: Madison Wolferd 2nd place: Payton Kelly 3rd place: Josiah Koshy Gravity ... more info

Middle School students competed in a maglev competition. Science Olympiad Competes Successfully
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
The 蜜柚视频 Middle School Science Olympiad team earned 10 medals while participating in the regional competition.

Middle School students competed at Science Olympiad. Celebrating Pi Day
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
On Pi Day (March 14), the National Junior Honor Society at 蜜柚视频 Middle School raised more than $300 to help send students to summer programs.

Middle School students celebrated Pi Day. IB Students Submit Essays
News of 蜜柚视频wide Interest
The seniors in the 蜜柚视频 High School International Baccalaureate (IB) program reached a program milestone. They recently completed and officially submitted their extended essays for the diploma program.

蜜柚视频 High School IB students submitted their extended essays. Fifth Avenue Celebrates Read Across America
News of 蜜柚视频wide Interest
Students and staff at Fifth Avenue School celebrated Read Across America week with specially-themed days.

Fifth Avenue celebrated Read Across America. Middle School Celebrates Black History Month
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
蜜柚视频 Middle School Celebrated the close of Black History Month with a production paying tribute to the Harlem Renaissance and featuring tap sensation Cartier Williams.

The Middle School celebrated Black History Month. 蜜柚视频 Teacher Recognized
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
蜜柚视频 Middle School English teacher Ryneld Curtis was honored at a Black History Month celebration held by State Senator Monica Martinez.

A Middle School teacher was recognized at a Black History Month celebration. Businesses of the Nile
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Sixth grade students on Team 61 at 蜜柚视频 Middle School created and presented Nile River businesses. Students created posters and slides that showcased how they would specialize along the Nile River in ancient Egypt. These young entrepreneurs then had to pitch their ideas to classmates, sharing the location of their business, and their plan for how they would trade with their customers, during... more info

Middle School students created business plans. Making Ice Cream
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Students in Mrs. Nieto’s science classes at 蜜柚视频 Middle School enjoyed making homemade ice cream while investigating phase changes of matter.

Middle School students made their own ice cream. Mentees Attend Show
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Members of the 蜜柚视频 Middle School Mentor/Mentee program held a dinner theater event. The group ate dinner together and then attended a performance of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

The Middle School Mentor/Mentee program held a dinner theater event. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Congratulations to the cast, crew and pit of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat! The 蜜柚视频 Middle School Drama Club put on a wonderful production of the hit musical.

The Middle School put on a production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Skating into Learning
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Students from 蜜柚视频 Middle School took their physical education class outside the normal setting and practiced their roller skating skills at Gr8Skates.

Middle School students visited a roller skating rink. Visiting the Middle School
Brook Avenue Elementary, Fifth Avenue Elementary, 蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Second grade students from Fifth Avenue School, Brook Avenue School and Mary G. Clarkson visited the Middle School to see a performance of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

Elementary school students visited the Middle School for a performance. Theater Workshop
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Drama students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School had the opportunity to participate in a workshop with Margaret Tapogna Gatzonis. They enjoyed her class, "Beautiful as you are.

Middle School students participated in a theater workshop. Sharing Best Practices
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
蜜柚视频 Middle School teachers participated in a Demo Slam to share with colleagues the different ways they use digital learning tools in their classrooms.

Middle School teachers participated in a Demo Slam. Students Design Bookmarks
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
蜜柚视频 Middle School students created bookmarks as part of an annual contest in the school's library. After votes were tallied, the winning bookmarks were recognized.

Middle School students created bookmarks. Wrestlers Place 3rd at Tournament
News of 蜜柚视频wide Interest
The 蜜柚视频 Boys Wrestling team placed 3rd at the Rocky Gilmore Tournament with 219 points. Liam Knapp and Chris Reddy were champions in their weight classes. Jordan Drago placed 2nd in his weight class.

蜜柚视频 Boys Wrestling placed 3rd at a tournament. Light the Night
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Members of the 8th grade Student Council at 蜜柚视频 Middle School took part in the community's annual Light the Night event by volunteering in downtown 蜜柚视频.

Middle School students took part in Light the Night. Middle School Hosts Curriculum Fair
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Recently, 蜜柚视频 Middle School hosted its annual curriculum fair for incoming 6th grade families.

The Middle School hosted a Curriculum Fair. Deck the Halls
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
During Advisory, students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School worked together to decorate the building's hallways for the holiday season.

Middle School students decorated for the holidays. Sixth Graders Perform Concert
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
蜜柚视频 Middle School's Music Department held a 6th grade concert featuring band, choir, and orchestra performances led by Mr. Zec, Mr. Narvaez, and Mrs. Senatore, respectively.

Sixth grade students performed a concert. Students Create Podcasts
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Students in Mr. Forthmuller's 6th grade classes at 蜜柚视频 Middle School created their own podcasts about "enduring issues" using Google Slides and Microsoft Flip.

Middle School students created podcasts. Advisory Earns Celebratory Breakfast
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Mrs. Meenan's Advisory period at 蜜柚视频 Middle School donated the most to the school's Thanksgiving food drive and earned a special breakfast.

Middle School students earned a special breakfast. Concert Prep Underway
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Members of the performing arts groups at 蜜柚视频 Middle School have been hard at work preparing for their holiday concerts.

Middle School musicians are preparing for concerts. Students Give Back to Community
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Members of the 蜜柚视频 Middle School's Student Council volunteered to prepare Light the Night kits for the 蜜柚视频 Beautification Society. The students divided up into five stations led by the 6th grade student council officers, Kai M., Kathryn P., Emely C., Faith Y., and Natalie C., to construct and package over 100 kits for the Light the Night event on December 11, 2022.

Middle School students did community service. Turkey Bowl
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School took part in a Turkey Bowl during their physical education classes. Students displayed great sportsmanship, perseverance and skill work.

Middle School students took part in a Turkey Bowl. Recycling Program Begins
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Advisory Ambassadors at 蜜柚视频 Middle School, working with Mr. Tomforde, have created a recycling program for the school.

Middle School students created a recycling program. Positive Affirmations
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School created positive affirmations for themselves and others. They hung them in the hallway for everyone to read.

Middle School students wrote positive affirmations. Thank You, Veterans
News of 蜜柚视频wide Interest
The 蜜柚视频 School 蜜柚视频 recognizes and thanks all of the men and women in the 蜜柚视频-Brightwaters community who have served in our Armed Forces. Whether you served in war or in peace, far from home or within the borders of our country, you have the gratitude of all whose freedoms you protected. To learn more about 蜜柚视频 graduates who have served in the military, visit the website... more info

Thank You, Veterans Middle School Holds Student Conference Day
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School recently took part in the annual Middle School Student Conference Day. During this event, grade-level assemblies were held on topics like overcoming obstacles. Students also attended workshops run by 蜜柚视频 staff and students, as well as outside speakers, including guests from Northwell Health.

Middle School students took part in Middle School Student Conference Day. Borrowing Digital Books
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Librarian Mrs. Miller recently assisted 6th grade students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School as they learned to use Sora, a resource for locating audio and digital books.

Middle School students learned about audio and digital books. Breakfast for Champions
News of 蜜柚视频wide Interest
On November 2, 2022, 蜜柚视频 High School held its first Breakfast for Champions of the 2022-20123 school year. Four times a year, students are recognized for outstanding performance and leadership. Thank you to speaker Julia Hutchinson (BSHS '15) for sharing her story and advice with the students. Congratulations to all of the honorees! Student         ... more info

The High School celebrated Breakfast for Champions. The Write Way
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
蜜柚视频 Middle School students are able to join The Write Way, the school's creative writing club, to grow their writing abilities and learn to express themselves.

Middle School students can join the creative writing club. Bubble Lab
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Students in Ms. Gerakinis' science classes at 蜜柚视频 Middle School completed a "bubble lab." They gathered qualitative and quantitative observations by blowing bubbles of 3 different soap solutions, testing to see which solution created the largest bubble.

Middle School students completed a bubble lab. Middle School Celebrates Halloween
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
The students and staff at 蜜柚视频 Middle School celebrated Halloween with creative costumes.

Middle School students and staff celebrated Halloween. Battle of the Teams
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Where can you find games, races and teamwork all in one night? The 蜜柚视频 Middle School Battle of the 6th Grade Teams! Teams of students gathered in the Middle School gym for the annual contest for grade-level bragging rights.

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DzYCdUCB7olCsKuJNngYS_TglU1qjnD6/view?usp=share_link Raising Awareness
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
The 蜜柚视频 Middle School Field Hockey team held a special game to raise awareness and funds for individuals battling breast cancer.

The Middle School Field Hockey team held a breast cancer game. Middle School Hosts Scholar Shirt Day
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
The 蜜柚视频 Middle School Guidance department kicked off its college awareness initiative by hosting their annual 6th Grade Scholar Shirt Day, an important Guidance tradition for almost 20 years. Students and their teachers received a variety of colorful college t-shirts to be worn during a rally in the Middle School auditorium. Students were also introduced to the Naviance Program, a personal... more info

The Middle School held the annual Scholar Shirt Day. Raising Awareness
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 High School
Students and staff at 蜜柚视频 Middle School wore pink to raise awareness for individuals battling breast cancer.

Middle School students and staff wore pink for breast cancer awareness. Art Outdoors
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Mr. Rossi's art students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School brought their classroom outdoors and drew inspiration for their artwork from their surroundings.

Middle School students attended art class outside. Mentoring Group Holds Meeting
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
The 蜜柚视频 Middle School Mentoring Program held their October meeting. Mentors and mentees worked together to decorate pumpkins for fall.

Middle School mentors and mentees decorated pumpkins. Touchdown!
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page, Physical Education & Health
Mr. Lynch's Physical Education students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School played flag football during recent class sessions.

Middle School students played flag football. Gardiner Manor Hosts Book Fair
News of 蜜柚视频wide Interest
Students at Gardiner Manor School recently visited the Scholastic Book Fair. Thanks to the Parent Faculty Association (PFA), each student left the book fair with at least one book.

Gardiner Manor hosted a book fair. Recess Guest
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
蜜柚视频 Middle School students had a visit from 蜜柚视频 graduate SCPD Officer Allison, who played football with the students at recess.

A 蜜柚视频 graduate visited the Middle School. Mindfulness
News of 蜜柚视频wide Interest
Kindergarten students at Brook Avenue School learned about mindfulness during sessions with Mission Be.

Brook Avenue students learned about mindfulness. Discovery Density
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Mr. Slutsky and Ms. Mojica's science students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School used bowling balls and a tank of water to learn about density.

Middle School students learned about density. Still Life
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Students in Mr. Rossi's art classes at 蜜柚视频 Middle School worked on still life drawings.

Middle School students created still life drawings. Student Portal Lesson
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
蜜柚视频 Middle School students worked with Digital Learning Specialist Mr. Lane to learn how to navigate the student portal section of ICampus.

Middle School students learned to use student portal. Learning About Archaeology
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Students in Mrs. Attisani's Social Studies classes at 蜜柚视频 Middle School learned about archaeology.

Middle School students learned about archaeology. Celebrating Hispanic Heritage
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
蜜柚视频 Middle School teachers Mrs. Mercado and Ms. Browne created a display window to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.

Middle School teachers created a window display. Middle School Hosts Book Fair
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School had a great time browsing the shelves at the book fair.

The Middle School hosted a book fair. Exploring Science Careers
蜜柚视频 Middle School, 蜜柚视频 Home page
Students at 蜜柚视频 Middle School learned about different careers in science and wrote about the ones they may want to pursue in the future.

Middle School students learned about science careers. Constructing Solar Ovens
蜜柚视频 Middle School
Mrs. Nieto's 6th grade science class at 蜜柚视频 Middle School put their scientific and engineering skills to the test as they constructed solar ovens using everyday household materials. At the conclusion of the project, students will test their design by cooking smores in their ovens.

Middle School students created solar ovens. Introducing Street Games
News of 蜜柚视频wide Interest
South Country School Physical Education teachers spent a Saturday laying down colorful coats of paint for the school’s new set of street games. Students have enjoyed playing the games during both recess and gym class.

South Country teachers created street games for students. Internet Safety Lesson
蜜柚视频 Middle School
蜜柚视频 Middle School students learned about internet safety from Suffolk County Police Department members PO Fernandez and PO Allison, a 蜜柚视频 graduate.

Middle School students learned about internet safety. BSMS Hosts Open House
蜜柚视频 Middle School
蜜柚视频 Middle School families received important information at the recent open house session. Teachers were excited to share the material students will be learning this year. Open house events are an important part of forming the school-home connection that is critical for student success.